Terms Of Service

This Agreement (“Agreement”) is made effective by and between MrAutohotkeyHacker (the “Company”), and purchaser of the digital product (hereafter “Client”), for the purpose of Client purchasing a digital Prompt late product from Company’s online shop (the “Product”). Client agrees to the terms and conditions below by checking the box in the online shopping cart checkout or by submitting payment for the Product.

1. Digital Product Usage
After purchasing the digital product, Client will be given access to the product through a download delivered in his/her email. Client will have lifetime access to the materials so long as the product(s) is/are available. Client Company hereby grants to Client one (1) exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, license to use the Product. Client understands and agrees that the Product materials may not be shared with any third party. In the event Company suspects that the Product is being shared with another party, Company reserves the right to immediately terminate Client’s access to the Product. Client may use the Product for his/her own personal use and business use and may modify the language as he/she sees fit. Client is not obligated to tag or give credit to Company for the copy in the Product he/she uses, posts, or shares.

2. Fees & Payment Processing
In consideration for access to the Product provided by Company, Client agrees to compensate Company the fee indicated on the online shopping cart. If any payment methods are declined by the online payment processor, Client shall provide a new eligible payment method before receiving access to the Product. In the event Client has already been given access to the Product and a payment method is declined, Company reserves the right to collect any and all outstanding receivables.

3. Refund Policy
Due to the nature of digital products being immediately accessible upon purchasing, no refunds of any fees or other amounts paid by Client in connection with the Product will be allowed under any circumstances.

4. Personal Information
By purchasing the Product, Client will be asked to provide personal information including his/her name, email address, mailing and billing address. Client agrees to allow Company access to this personal information for all lawful purposes. Client is responsible for the accuracy of the identifying information, maintaining the safety and security of his/her identifying information, and updating Company on any changes to his/her identifying information. The billing information provided to Company by Client will be kept secure and is subject to the same confidentiality and accuracy requirements as Client’s identifying information indicated above. Providing false or inaccurate information, or using the Product for fraud or unlawful activity, is grounds for immediate termination from the Product.

5. Warranties and Liability
Company makes every effort to ensure that the Product is accurate and fit for the use of Company’s customers. However, Company takes no responsibility whatsoever for the suitability of the Product, and Company provides no warranties as to the function or use of the Product, whether express, implied or statutory, including without limitation any warranties of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. Client agrees to indemnify Company against all liabilities, claims, demands, expenses, actions, costs, damages, or loss arising out of Client’s breach of these terms and conditions. Company shall not be liable to Client or any third party for consequential, indirect, special or exemplary damages including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, business or anticipated benefits whether arising under tort, contract, negligence or otherwise whether or not foreseen, reasonably foreseeable or advised of the possibility of such damages.

6. Force Majeure
If the performance of this Agreement or any obligations hereunder is prevented, restricted or interfered with by reason of earthquake, fire, flood or other casualty or due to strikes, riot, storms, explosions, acts of God, death of him/herself or a family member, war, terrorism, or a similar occurrence or condition beyond the reasonable control of the parties, the party so affected shall, upon giving prompt notice to the other party, be excused from such performance during such prevention, restriction or interference, and any failure or delay resulting therefrom shall not be considered a breach of this Agreement.

7. Copyright
Upon delivery of the digital product to Client, Company keeps all copyrights regarding the Product.


I must emphasize that no cheat is entirely safe, and there is always a potential risk associated with their usage. Despite this, I can attest to utilizing my cheats personally, and I have not been banned from any game. However, I must stress the importance of attempting to play legitimately to minimize the probability of receiving a ban.

No. All of my cheats and scripts are exclusively written in Autohotkey, which is a software that generates mouse and keyboard input. This ensures that all of my cheats operate externally to the game. Consequently, anti-cheat mechanisms are unable to detect the presence of any cheats running in the background.

While I do know other programming languages like C++ and JavaScript, I believe that the safest and best way to cheat without getting caught is by using Autohotkey. I have been using it for years and have never been banned from any game while using it.

Yes. All you need to do is go to your emails and search for "Sellix order" you should see a mail from Sellix with a button to download the latest versions of my scripts.

I spend a lot of time researching to create high-quality cheats that are legitimate. I also provide quick and trustworthy customer support. And, I prefer to share my cheats only with a small group of people who use Autohotkey for cheating.

Contact me.

The most effective means of communicating with me is via my Discord server.
Alternatively, if you prefer a private discussion, you may contact me through email.

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